303 activities/events.

4797 student contacts.

15 Cash For College workshops.
442 prospective students served.

97 application and registration workshops for high schools both in and outside Sonoma County.
1090 prospective students served.

15 presentations about SRJC for high schools both in and outside Sonoma County.
224 prospective students served.

In 2020-2021, no Senior Days were conducted due to COVID-19 restrictions.

In 2020-2021, there were no tours conducted due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Piner High School Early College Magnet (ECM) Program
Piner High School students participated in the Early Magnet College Program.

High School Counselor Conference
1 virtual conference in the Fall 0f 2020.

Incarcerated Student
0 incarcerated students served due to COVID-19 restrictions.

138 remote services.
2241 people served.

Fairs & Community Events
1 event.
- WACAC Virtual Fair

The Outreach Team assisted in the process of Credit by Exam.
2 high school students served.
- Totals
38 activities/events.
800 prospective students served.
- Career Education Matriculation Process
1 programs.
2 students served.
- CE Presentations
31 Career Education presentations.
703 prospective students served.
- Job Fairs
6 Career Education-related Career Fairs.
95 prospective students served.
- Career Education Tours
0 Career Education tour due to COVID-19 restrictions.