432 activities/events.

15907 student contacts.

20 Cash For College workshops.
1003 prospective students served.

153 application and registration workshops for high schools both in and outside Sonoma County.
3278 prospective students served.

34 presentations about SRJC for high schools both in and outside Sonoma County.
2459 prospective students served.
Included in that:
8 College Information Nights to different High Schools serving 488 prospective students and parents.

3 High School Senior Days.
1 Native American Junior/Senior Day.
261 prospective students served.

24 Santa Rosa Campus tours.
15 Career Education tours (see "CAREER EDUCATION").
1182 prospective students served.

Piner High School Early College Magnet (ECM) Program
317 participating students.
$22,885.44 in books.

High School Counselor Conference
1 conference in the Fall of 2022.
110 counselors and partners attended.

Incarcerated Student
30 incarcerated students served.

208 students served during office hours some of them remotely - via Zoom or by phone.

Fairs & Community Events
47 community fairs and events (including Career Education events in the community and at high schools).
5501 contacts.
The events include:
- 20 high schools
- 10,000 Degrees Training
- Academic Talent Search
- Corazon Healdsburg
- Horizon Shine Village (Transitional Housing Shelter)
- Los Cien
- MECha Conference
- One Love Diversity Fair
- Pinoleville Pomo Nation
- Pomo Graduation Ceremony
- Roots Fund (San Francisco)
- Sonoma County Job Link
- Sonoma County Indian Health Project Youth
- Sonoma State University
- Santa Rosa Pride Event
- SSU Native Fest
- Town of Windsor
- Victim's Services Resource Fair
- Wednesday Night Market
- Wellness Fair - Graton Casino
- Windsor Pride

The Outreach Team assisted in the process of Credit by Exam.
- SRHS - AUTO 80, WELD 170
- WCHS - CS 110A
- HHS - ANSCI 20
375 high school students served.
- Totals
95 activities/events.
2507 prospective students served.
- Career Education Matriculation Process
1 program.
12 students served.
The programs include:
- REJACT (Redwood Empire Electrical Training Center)
- CE Presentations
67 Career Education presentations.
1546 prospective students served.
1 presentation/training to 20 Santa Rosa City Schools counselors and teachers.
- Job Fairs
11 Career Education-related Career Fairs.
689 prospective students served.
Schools or programs:
- Sonoma County Job Link
- Marin Oaks Future Day Fair
- MECha Conference
- Reach for Your Dreams Conference
- San Rafael HS
- Sonoma Ready Roseland
- Sonoma County Youth Ecology Corps.
- Technology High School
- Terra Linda HS
- Women in Public Safety.
- Career Education Tours
15 Career Education tours.
260 prospective students served.